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The Greening of Peace: Regional Cooperation on Climate Change in the Middle East
Climate change: Entry point for regional peace in the wider Middle East?
Climate Change in the Middle East: Caabu briefing with Dr Michael Mason of LSE
Greening Borders: Cooperation, Security and Diplomacy
Sustainable Solutions for the Middle East and North Africa | Sustainable Development Summit 2021
Building Peace through Cooperative, Inclusive, and Sustainable “Climate-Security” Practices
Climate change scenario and projections in the Mediterranean basin
AD2022: Plenary VI - Climate Change Cooperation
Virtual Panel | Public-Private Collaboration on Climate (Day 1) | Building Momentum to #UNCOP27
Creating an enabling environment for Trade and Regional Cooperation in Africa
South-South Cooperation on Climate, Peace and Security:
Greening EU-Mediterranean relations: synergies and cooperation opportunities